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Cultural Exchange with the World: Republic of Panama

Continuing the International Cultural Exchange Series, InterLOG continues to organize a series of international cultural events, with this exchange being the cultural program of the Republic of Panama.

Panama - a small country connecting two oceans, is not only famous for the legendary Panama Canal but also harbors a rich and diverse culture. From the intricate traditional costumes of the Emberá people to the vibrant festivals, Panama is a unique melting pot of indigenous culture and influences from Europe, Africa, and the Caribbean region. Let's explore the mysteries behind this rich cultural tapestry!

1. Distinctive Features of Panama

The remarkable aspects of Panama's culture
The remarkable aspects of Panama's culture

2. Experiencing Panamanian Culture

Continuing the series of international cultural exchange programs #Innovation4Culture, InterLOG organized the "Panama National Day" for all staff to experience the unique cultural features through activities such as Music, Cuisine, Documentary Films, and Puzzles.

Members participating in the culinary section of the Panamanian cultural exchange
Members participating in the culinary section of the Panamanian cultural exchange
InterLOG organizes birthdays for members in the Panama cultural exchange program
InterLOG organizes birthdays for members in the Panama cultural exchange program

With the spirit of "Innovator - Innovation4Culture," participating in these activities not only helps everyone understand more about the culture of happy countries around the world but also honors the spirit of innovation and sustainable development. This also reflects InterLOG's efforts in innovating from within the organization, from its members, with the goal of moving towards a sustainable ESG development model.

Author: InterLOG
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